The abstract must include, Title of the presentation, name(s) of contributor(s), name of presenter (underlines),

email address of presenter, introduction, goal and objectives, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references.

 Only online abstract submissions will be reviewed.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Participants are invited to submit abstracts describing original research in the relevant fields of research.

  • Abstracts may be submitted for either oral or poster presentation. Clearly indicate your preference.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated for scientific and ethical content. 
  • Due to logistical constraints the conference committee may advise on a different category than original preference.
  • Please indicate your willingness to present in either mode.
  • Corresponding authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts on the due date published.
  • Accepted abstracts will be presented during dedicated sessions.
  • Please indicate the most appropriate theme where the abstract belongs.